"With intelligence and humor, Marks makes the case that who we are is who we remember ourselves to be. I'll be thinking about this book for a long time."
—Jessica Fechtor, bestselling author of Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals That Brought Me Home

“An illuminating debut memoir... Readers will be compelled by the journey of a writer whose voice, however changed, remains her own.”
—Kirkus Reviews

"Engrossing . . . A story of hope . . .Marks gives an inside account of a brain in the act of healing"
—Publishers Weekly

"There has been over a century of research on Broca's aphasia but few accounts of patients' own experiences... A rare glimpse of the inner mental life of such patients."
—Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, author of The Tell-Tale Brain

"A Stitch of Time is a true story of resilience...grit and luck and love and patience. An unforgettable read about a remarkable woman."
—Emily Rapp, bestselling author of The Still Point of the Turning World

“Marks is a gorgeous writer and her story of healing is moving, informative but above all a great read. . . I could not put this book down.”
—Heidi W. Durrow, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Fell From the Sky

"Her writing is so good and her story so compelling. I devoured the book in a single night."
—Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, bestselling author of A Cast of Killers

“Sometimes harrowing, sometimes funny, and always very human memoir...will leave you hopeful, dazzled and grateful.”
—Ann Hood, author of The Book That Matters Most and The Obituary Writer

“A Stitch of Time is fascinating reading for those who want to learn how language works.”
—Dr. Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures